Monday, February 7, 2011

Always Learning

I firmly believe that you can always learn something from a successful run as well as from a horrible run.

The same then holds true for races.  Saturday January 29, 2011 was the 17th Annual Arizona Road Racers Desert Classic Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K, and Marathon Relay.  I signed up for the 1/2 and intended on using it as a training run.  The plan, take it easy, not go out too fast, but still hoping for a good time since it was a race.  

My son and I arrived early to volunteer.  I understand there were a few hiccups with volunteers.  Our first was when directed to go to an aid station several miles out that was "already set up."  It wasn't, no one was there, so I left my poor son in the middle of the desert, in the dark, all alone. I had to get back to the start to, well start. I know I'm horrible.  I told him to file that one away for his therapist. ;) 

Lessons Learned
Lesson #1: Never pass up a port-o-potty, even if it's in the middle of the race course and dark.  I made it back to the start with 15 minutes till start and got in line for the 3 port-o-potties for well over 300 people.  I should have stopped at the one I passed while dropping my son off.

Lesson #2:  The race will go on, use the potty even if it means you start late.  You are being chip timed, it's for fun, so what's the big deal anyway?  I mean seriously I'm not going to win any medals.  I actually learned this lesson after I was done and overheard a gentleman saying he started 15 minutes late because of the potty situation.  Boy I wish I had been that smart!  My apologies to the volunteer how took my chip.  :(  So yeah, the end was not pretty but I made it.  

Now for the best part!  I PR'd!  Yea! Me!  

I'm seriously thinking I need to have two sets of PRs, those pre and the post weight loss.  It's like two totally different people out there running. 

Remember, try to learn something from every run. 

Happy running!

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