Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A life cut short

This morning I got up and never even made it to my email or checking in on my Facebook friends.  I was devastated by some very bad news, here's a link

I did not know Sally personally.  She lived in my neighborhood.  We ran in several of the same events.  Every time she passed me on the roads in our little community she always had a big smile on her face.  Her blog and everything I learned about her made me want to meet her.  I was following her promising career and thought that one day if we were at the park at the same time I was going to say hi.  My kids teased me about stalking her, and I laughed and said nope, I'm just a fan and I can't wait to watch her win at the Olympics.

So, I spent all day with one of our dogs, Kaylee, and we just hung out.  We went to a couple dog parks, a few pet stores, and a couple of coffee shops.  We just enjoyed.  I just enjoyed.   I was supposed to run today but instead I got in some good intervals running up and down the dog parks chasing dogs and tennis balls.

That was another thing that hit me, yes the devastation to Sally's family is immense, I cannot even imagine.  Besides her humans she also had fur-babies.  She has 3 dogs and had recently introduced a 4 into her little pack.  From her blogs you understood how much she loved her fur-babies.

Two days ago I received a phone call from an animal hospital about 60 miles from where we live now.  They had a dog that had been hit by a car and his microchip was registered to me.  It was a dog that we had had over 7 years ago.  He's hurt, has a bad heart, and is 13 years old.  He's a cattle dog and that's pretty old for them.  He's now at the humane society trying to locate the people how gave him a home after us.  If they do not claim him I will be down there  and we will fix him up and bring him home.   The vet said he looks like he's been well taken care of.  Of course I'd like his current owners to find him, but if not, we are going to figure out how to meld him into our little pack.

It's so amazing how someone can be out of our life for so long and then reappear due to an accident.  It's tragic when an accident cuts a bright life short.  So hug your loved ones a little tighter, tell them you love them, and cherish every moment.

God Bless...

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